Modern Surgical Management of Chronic Lymphedema

Modern Surgical Management of Chronic Lymphedema

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The first edition of Modern Surgical Management of Chronic Lymphedema, edited by Yves Harder, Christoph Hirche, Katrin Seidenstücker, and Moustapha Hamdi, has been conceived and written by enthusiasts for lymphatic surgery who have dedicated their professional careers to treating patients suffering from this chronic disease.

Featuring current perspectives and particularities of surgical lymphedema treatment with contributions from international experts in the field, this innovative book describes evidence-based, multi-disciplinary approaches to treating chronic lymphedema from the point of view of clinical experts. It is also a comprehensive companion for multi-professional specialists looking for an erudite understanding of the complex treatment of lymphedema.

Ultimately, the book seeks to advance the contemporary understanding that underpins the philosophy and general principles of modern surgical management of chronic lymphedema, in order to improve the quality of life of patients.

Key highlights:

- Firsthand clinical pearls for treating lymphedema patients and managing the often-chronic issues that significantly impact on daily quality of life

- General focus on the fields of embryology, anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the lymphatic system

- Special focus on diagnosis, evaluation, and complete decongestive therapy (CDT)

- Step-by-step descriptions of the surgical corner-stones, including lymphovenous anastomosis (LVA), vascularized lymph node transfer (VLNT), and alternative supermicrosurgical techniques, as well as reductive and lymphoablative surgery

- Unique contributions on the diagnosis and treatment of lymphatic filariasis

- Basic concepts of experimental research in the field

- Evidence- and expert-based algorithm for personalized and stage-dependent treatment

- Over 70 full-color and highly instructive illustrations and more than 250 clinical images

This is a valuable and practical resource for surgeons of various clinical fields with supermicrosurgical expertise, lymphologists and angiologists, general practitioners, psychologists, lymphedema therapists, dietitians, specialized nurses, as well as medical students.

This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on

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<p><strong>Section I: Lymphology and Clinical Presentation</strong><br>1 Lymphatic System<br>2 Epidemiological, Clinical, and Pathophysiological Aspects<br>3 Lymphatic Filariasis<br><strong>Section II: Diagnostic Evaluation</strong><br>4 Diagnostics and Stage-Dependent, Preoperative Evaluation<br><strong>Section III: Modern Management of Chronic Lymphedema</strong><br>5 Establishment of an Interprofessional and Multidisciplinary Lymphedema Network<br><strong>Section IV: Non-Surgical Treatment and Techniques</strong><br>6 Integrative, Multiprofessional Conservative Treatment<br><strong>Section V: Surgical Treatment and Techniques</strong><br>7 Basic Principles of Surgical Treatment and Accompanying Complete Decongestive Therapy<br><strong>Section VI: Lymphoreconstructive Procedures</strong><br>8 Lymphovenous Anastomosis<br>9 Autologous Lymph Vessel Transfer<br>10 Vascularized Lymph Nodes Transfer<br>11 Autologous Breast Reconstruction in Conjunction with Lymphatic Surgery<br>12 Nodo-Venal Shunt Microsurgery<br><strong>Section VII: Lymphoreductive Procedures, Secondary Procedures, and Tips and Tricks</strong><br>13 Suction-Assisted Lipectomy<br>14 Excisional Procedures<br>15 Secondary Procedures After Reconstructive Microsurgery<br>16 Tips and Tricks for Modern Surgical Management of Chronic Lymphedema<br><strong>Section VIII: Training, Treatment Algorithm, Outcomes, and Further Developments</strong><br>17 Teaching and Training in Lymphoreconstructive Surgery<br>18 Treatment Algorithm for the Surgical Management of Lymphedema<br>19 Review of the Current Literature<br>20 Experimental Research and Future Directions</p>
ISBN 9783132414280
Artikelnummer 9783132414280
Medientyp Non Books
Copyrightjahr 2024
Verlag Thieme, Stuttgart
Umfang 284 Seiten
Abbildungen 320 Abb.
Sprache Englisch