Dietary Supplements

Integrated Healthcare Information for Professionals MedicinesComplete Online

Dietary Supplements

Integrated Healthcare Information for Professionals MedicinesComplete Online


872,05 €*

Preise inkl. MwSt., ggf. zzgl. Versandkosten

Angebot richtet sich nicht an Verbraucher, sondern ausschließlich an gewerbliche Nutzer in Deutschland. Alle genannten Preise sind jährliche Nutzerlizenzgebühren, für 365 Tage ab Startdatum. Die Nutzungslizenz verlängert sich automatisch um weitere 12 Monate und kann spätestens 30 Tage vor Ablauf des Nutzungszeitraums gekündigt werden. This offer is not aimed at consumers, but exclusively at commercial users in Germany. All prices are annual license fees for 365 days from start date. Thereafter, subscription will be renewed automatically for further 12 months and can be cancelled no later than 30 days before the end of the usage period.

lieferbar in ca. 2-4 Werktagen

Falls Sie eine Lieferung außerhalb DE, AT oder CH wünschen, nutzen Sie bitte unser Kontaktformular für eine Anfrage.

The international market for dietary supplements is growing rapidly. However, the use of dietary supplements is still controversial, particularly in relation to their safety and efficacy.

Dietary Supplements

provides a comprehensive, evidence-based guide to the safety and efficacy of the most commonly used dietary supplements.

- Contains structured monographs on over 100 dietary supplements
- Presents the latest research findings on the therapeutic uses of these products
- Covers international legislation
- Reliably informs on efficacy and safety
- Highlights potential interactions with conventional medicines
- Includes advanced text searching
- All monographs are fully revised and updated quaterly
- New monographes added in every update

Dietary Supplements is useful for community pharmacists, dieticians, nutritionists, pharmacy students, CAM practitioners and healthcare professionals.

Facts about MedicinesComplete Online:
MedicinesComplete Online, the definitive online resource for drug and healthcare information, provides online access to some of the world's leading drug and healthcare references. The integrated search function enables you to search across thousands of drug, poison, excipient, interaction and herbal monographs within seconds and brings together a wealth of clinically relevant, unbiased information at your fingertips. This leaves more time for your patients.

MedicinesComplete Online

offers access to evaluated drug information and up to date clinical information meeting the needs of pharmacists, pharmacologists, clinicians, analytical chemists, physicians, nurses, researchers, librarians, pharmaceutical companies and information professionals.

You can simply pick and mix the resources you require to personalize your subscription

If you want a fast, expert, easy and cost-effective solution to your drug and healthcare information needs, choose MedicinesComplete Online.

Noted prices are base prices. Please ask for an individual offer.

Trial: To register for a free 10-day trial to access all MedicinesComplete Online databases, please send an e-mail to receive your password and further instructions:

Deutscher Apotheker Verlag
Databases and Software
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70009 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 (0)711 2582-347
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Dietary Supplements

Ein umfassendes elektronisches Nachschlagewerk zu Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln auf der Grundlage einer Evidence Based Medicine.

- Über 100 Monographien zu Vitaminen, Mineralstoffen und Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln.
- Neuste Forschungsergebnisse zur therapeutischen Anwendung.
- Berücksichtigung der internationalen Gesetzgebung.
- Zuverlässige Information zu Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit.
- Hinweise zu potenziellen Interaktionen mit konventionellen Arzneien.

Der oben angegebene Preis ist ein Basispreis. Ein individuelles Angebot erhalten Sie gerne auf Anfrage.

Bestellnr. 174105100
Medientyp Onlinezugang Klinik / Institution (cc-use)
Verlag Deutscher Apotheker Verlag

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